As a young child between 3-7yrs I have experienced several things that I could not understand and was shunned for mentioning. Seeing bright colors moving around my line of sight, experiencing levitation, seeing spirits, and just knowing things before they happen. After age 7 I lost all these things until my teenage years where I would see things being moved by themselves or smelling dead animal or rotting meat where there was no explanation I also came into contact with a few figures that I will not get into. These events also stopped after a few years.
Now 9 years later It has started again as an adult. For the longest time I tried to ignore, dismiss and forget these events but I can no longer ignore what is going on as the experiences keep growing in number. The most recent has been information given to me through meditation. I was told about places and shown events that I looked up immediately after I was done and found to be true and actual places. Things have been thrown around my house mostly Items that have meaning to my wife and I. Further more I have notice thoughts will come to me and events will happen around it. I got angry at a person who cut me off and thought about him blowing out his tire and it happened or thought about a person receiving punishment for insulting my mother and there finger getting chopped off and many other events lots more good than bad and now try to minimize my thought of retaliation and anything bad really.
I am completely lost as to control or understand these things and need some helping advice as to what to do. I have taken to meditation as a mean to figure things out but only get more questions.
I do have very strong gut feelings that I follow no matter what and this seems to help. How can I begin to focus these gifts?
You are just a medium starting a long journey of hard work and dedication!
First dedication you have is to study about to understand a bigger picture from your life and life meaning.
Second dedication is to help others do charity through your mediumship
Third dedication is to your self-improvement.
There are 2 books from 5 that you need to study, pse note I wrote study, not only read.
This will help with all your questions and others that will appear in the future.
Good study!