I found this sight while trying to figure out what's going on with me. Before I start I would just like to point out that I'm a Christian and do believe in spirituality but not so much spychics: (. I have tried to find a logical explanation about what's going on but have not had any luck: (. This seems like the only sight that has had atleast somewhat of what's happening.
Okay so let me start:) I am able to blurr my vision at will and when I do I can see air move or the energy that air is just blowing. Also when I'm not blurring my vision out of no where I can see little atom like particles moving really fast. It's not like the regular little dots that I see moving continuously it's different. And there is one more thing when, somebody is moving or if I move something or I move my hand I see like a white thick clear something, I don't know what to call it following right after. All of this just recently started maybe about 6 months ago, (approximately). I can't really ask anybody about these things because they will most likely think I'm just really really weird. My parents aren't really any help either. I have tried searching this on Google but all it lead me to was this thing called synesthesia, (which I don't think I have)
That's the best I can explain it even though it's not very good. It's just something that happens on a daily basis and I don't know what it is. If anybody has something similar happening or can relate please tell me so I can stop thinking I'm crazy: (Thank you!