I have been seeing things for over a month now. I see a colorful outline around people. The outline is connected to their body and is usually a teal color.
I've heard that auras are surrounding the body like a shell of an egg but however, this is different this is like when you're coloring the a person in a coloring book and you color outside the lines all around the figure.
I'm not sure if this is an aura or not but, could you please tell me if you know. This isn't just people to this is objects. I've looked at many objects and seen a colorful outline around things. This is mostly at school but happens a lot at home. For example my health teacher when I look at him he has a teal color surrondig him. Also when I look away from the object I can still see the figure in the color that the outline was. So when I look at my health teacher and look away I still see his shape in a teal color.
There is most commonly a teal color than pink than white. Again if anyone knows what I'm talking about will you please tell me. I am a teenager and I've said to have a young soul even though I'm interested in middle aged things (like things from the 1980's) my family doesn't have anything like this so I'm not sure what's
Happening. Two other questions is, can objects have auras? I think they can but I'm not sure.
My second question is there a way to determine how old your soul is?
If you have any answers to these questions that would be greatly appreciated and thank you for reading my story. Thanks and goodbye.