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Real Psychic Experiences

Ascended Master Yogananda's Presence


For about a month and a half I have felt that an ascended masters presence has been visiting me. I couldn't tell which one it was. So last month I looked up the names and pictures of all the ascended masters and I kept looking at Yogananda's picture and getting this weird vibe. Though I ignored this feeling and pushed it aside. Then yesterday A documentary on Yogananda appeared on Netflix instant queue and I started watching it and as I sat there trying to pay attention to it. I felt a presence standing in my condo watching me. It was the same vibe I got when I saw yogananda's picture last month.

According to a psychic that I have spoke to. She told me that I have the same light as Mary and several others. This psychic woman is a clairvoyant and does angel communication and sees and speaks to angels and other beings. She's the same one who told me that I have a genie and helped me realize my twin flames name and some of the beings around me. So according to her I have the same light and purity as ascended masters. I'm still very surprised and this is very new to me. If it is true and I am ascending in this incarnation then I'd be very happy to help others after I pass on. It does not matter if others are skeptical. They are not me. They don't even know me so how can they know about me at all. Truly they cannot.

I think it's nice that Yogananda's spirit decided to befriend me. Yesterday I was very stressed out from Aradon and Thomas. They had been fighting over me. It was off balancing for me. Both their ego's butting heads was unneeded. So yesterday afternoon I took a hot shower relaxing my muscles and I then went back to my room and a lay down in bed and I heard Yogananda's voice speaking to me with my clairaudience I felt his presence standing beside me. He was guiding me through a meditation. In fact I've never done much research on him. I had never heard of him until a month and a half ago. I didn't pay much thought on him until yesterday when I felt him in my living room. I think this ascended master decided to reach out to me because the stress I had been feeling from my twin flames spirit and my soulmates spirit was not allowing me to work on myself and my own present destiny. Today has been much more peaceful. I feel like a huge burden has been lifted. I am able to breath again and that is good.

This is one of the examples of what I heard through my clairaudience last week from my twin flame and soulmate in spirit. It was pretty intense.

I was just laying in bed one night last week and Aradon and Thomas were fighting. And Aradon was saying "my girl" and then he told me "stop looking at where Thomas is." I couldn't see Thomas I just sensed him beside me. Aradon was on my left and Thomas was on my right. I heard Thomas speaking to me, "you don't have to listen to him your not a puppy." then I heard Aradon tell Thomas to "shut up." and Then I felt Aradon rush over to Thomas, And Aradon said, "you need to stay away from my girlfriend." Then they started attacking Each other and then I heard another male voice yell loudly, "hey! Both of you need knock it off!" They ignored him and kept beating each other up. Then I heard the same voice yell again louder, "hey! HEY! Knock it off now! Your both making her nervous." who ever stopped them, Thank god! They were really stressing me out.

I think Yogananda came to yesterday to help me relax from the spiritual love triangle that has been going on. I'm glad he did. What a mess.

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EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
I had been asking what I am again a lot lately and I had asked for an ascended master or an archangel to please visit my dreams and tell me what I am. I had trouble sleeping last night due to coffee. Then I fell this morning and started dreaming of yogananda. He stood in front of me in my living dream hallway and said, "you and Mary are both mother deity's." I stared him and spent a little longer with him in my dreams. When I woke up I said allowed as I felt his presence in my bedroom, "thank you Yogananda for everything. Your such an awesome friend. Thank you for telling me. I'm so happy. I'm excited."

He visited my dreams again. We were riding in a car in the dream. I asked him a second time the same question. "you're a mother deity Elizabeth" he said simply. I stared at him. "so I'm a goddess" I said to myself. He looked at me and tapped my forehead with two fingers as if to say don't get a big head over this. Then I leaned my head out the window and also my arms feeling free as the car sped down the road. We were both sitting in the backseat. I turned around and peered out the back window. I saw two old ladies with white perms and old straw hats. They were dressed in fancy rose pink outfits and were standing in the middle of the road giving each other a hard time. They were sisters. Identical twins. One of the sisters knocked the others sisters hat onto the road as they bantered. It was funny. I turned to Yogananda and nudged his shoulder, "hey look at them!" we both stared out the back window and giggled.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-27)
In my dream last night I was in a large orange tent lit with candles. And this young Indian girl walked up to me. I could tell she was an ascended master. She came up to me happily and said she was going to try and move the energy in my brain to help me by healing my trauma. She did this hand movement and focused on me and I started freaking out. When I get scared I act kind of like a smartass and I can be very annoying. I'm kind of like a wild animal when I get scared. So then I held my foot in her face in a unpolite manner and I wandered to the other side of the tent. I lay down hiding in the corner of the tent. The little indian girl and a man with shoulder length black hair, who looked kind of like Serapis Bey. I think it was him. They were both sitting beside me. I turned and looked at them. "i don't want to be brain washed." I said fearfully. "it's not brain washing." she said. Then Serapis Bey got up and lay down next to me, "heart meditation." he said firmly. He started edging closer and closer staring at me as if expecting something. He peered at me totally laying right behind me. I turned and gave him a scared look. Then I started acting like a butthead and said obnoxiously, "kiss me yogananda! You are sexy! Actually wait I love my twin flame. Ewwww... That'd be just wrong." at that moment Serapis Bey lifted me up and dragged me to the other side of the tent in frustration and forced me under a blanket with a blond haired woman. She looked like my past life kate. Kate was asleep. "stay in there until you calm down. We'll be back for you when the new years festival begins." they both disappeared leaving me trapped in a blanket with my past life. One which I couldn't get out of. Then I saw quan yin standing by the front of the tent. Her hair was in a long pony tail with two long strands of hair on either side of her face. I saw fireworks of many colors behind her. I saw lanterns. It was Chinese new years. Quan yin looked at me and I woke up.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-27)
This morning I was sitting on my couch meditating and I suddenly got really scared and overwhelmed. I began crying. Tears ran down my face. I started ranting, "I don't want to be an ascended master! I've been through enough already! I just want a break when I go home." then I cried even harder. Suddenly I felt an intense presence enter my condo. I felt a hand touch my right shoulder as if trying to say 'I'm here, it's okay.' I turned and put my face against the corner of my couch and cried into it. I crossed my legs and sobbed into the pillow. Suddenly I felt the same presence sit beside me and wrap their arms around me and hug me in a tight embrace. I heard a male voice speaking to me, "things will become easier for you. You will become a great help and once you have healed you will ascend. You have a big heart and beautiful soul." I took a deep breath, "this isn't what I want." this males voice that was hugging me said, "You chose your path when you incarnated, you are loved." I took more deep breath's and felt calmer, "thank you for comforting me whoever you are." I heard a faint voice respond, "you are welcome." I spent the next hours of the morning trying to feel calm. I don't want to be an ascended master, it's not what I want. But apparently several psychics have mentioned this information to me and I got scared and broke down. I feel I have been through enough in my existence. I feel depleted and so exhausted. I don't want this.

this afternoon I was sitting and watching a documentary about yogananda called 'awake', and I felt him standing in the center of the room near me. The movie said something about the practice of yoga and I said that sock puppets can do that too! And I felt him turn to me instantly. I even had a vision of him watching the documentary with me while he was standing in the room and when I said the thing about sock puppets, he turned to me and gazed at me. Then the vision faded. I love the documentary, i've watched it a lot in my spare time. I just was trying to joke with my guide. Then I saw a picture on the movie of him playing an instrument and I told him what if the muppets had kidnapped him and Kermit the frog came back into the picture wearing his clothes. He didn't respond. I didn't expect him to. I think he's used to my randomness by now.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-10)
my blog with my psychic experiences.

eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-10)
So I went to visit and talk with an intuitive energy healer friend today. Lets just call her melody. We sat there talking and laughing about my blog. I told her my experiences with Michael visiting my dreams a couple times. She said she remembered me mention it once. And I was like "oh yeah I did I totally remember now." And then suddenly I felt this intense presence enter the room. "Do you sense that presence that just walked in." I asked her. She responded, "yes, what gender do you feel this presence is?" I closed my eyes, "male." I replied. Melody smiled at me and said, "I feel that too." The presence felt familiar, "I think its yogananda, maybe an ascended master or something else." Melody then said, "he feels angelic." I then replied, "maybe an archangel? Which one do you sense?" I asked her. She was about to reply, when suddenly I interupted instantly, "I think he's Michael!" Melody closed her eyes, then opened them, "I felt that too." Suddenly my mind screamed, "kiss me Michael!" Then I put my hands over my mouth to silence my inner voice. "Why are your hands over your mouth?" Melody asked. I replied, "my inner spirit says kiss me to everyone I walk up to, I don't say it out loud, I put my hands over my mouth to muzzle my playful spirit. I told Michael to kiss me. Truthfully I don't want anyone to kiss me at all" melody laughed, "I believe you don't" she said. I felt energy from Michael, his vibe seemed amused. I felt him sit down next to me on the couch in her office, paying attention to what we were saying. Then a couple minutes later I felt his presence had left. Melody let me know that she senses that i'm an ascended master and we talked about this for a while. Melody asked me if she could show me a meditation pose. I said sure. She started doing the pose and I instantly said, "I used to do that without thinking in middle school and highschool." Melody said, "i believe yogananda may have been guiding you even then." I had a lot to think about after that. A lot to ponder. Was it really true that i'm an ascended master. I have been told two similar things, by two different people. Both people have psychic gifts.

After I left melody's office my mom drove us back towards my house to go to dinner. On the drive there I talked with my mom about what I experienced in melody's office. I told her when I first was guided to look up yogananda I accidentally called him yogalanda and had started spelling it that way. I hadn't realized the funny mistake I had made and I laughed happily. It's easy to laugh at myself. My mom parked at the resterant and I felt as if yogananda was standing next to me. My mom and I walked into the resterant and got a booth. His presence followed us. We sat down and ordered drinks, while I snacked on one to many corn chips and gulped down an entire glass of pepsi in under a minute. I was talking happily to my mom. Then I suddenly slid my self down under the booth. My mom rolled her eyes, "its not time to go to sleep yet honey." I smiled at her playfully and slid back up. I felt as if yogananda was laughing at my antics and thought it was funny. We looked at our menus and I said "i think I'm going to get a plate of mushrooms" which was an appetizer there, and boy I do like my mushrooms. My mom looked at me as if I was crazy. "That's a lot of mushrooms." I shrugged and kept looking at the menu. I decided on ordering a steak and shrimp fajitas, minus the tortillas. And we waited for our food. While we waited my mom tapped the table to the beat of the music playing inside the resterant. I decided to pick up my clean fork and flip it upside down. I pretended the fork was actually four tiny legs and I made the end of my fork dance across the napkin, again my mom looked at me, she smiled at me and shook her head at me in disbelief. I didn't feel yogananda around me anymore his presence vanished without a trace. Maybe it was the pepsi.

Then when my mom and me left. I picked up our carry out boxes and my mom turned to me, "don't forget which one is my box," she said. I replied as we walked out the door, "I'll know which box is yours, cause I'll be holding mine close to my heart " I said smiling widely as I walked past her out the door. My mom broke in to a fit of giggles. I turned to her and smiled. Then we walked to the car and she drove me home.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-03)

My link to my whole blog. Yep... It has a lot of my psychic experiences on it. The stories are pretty shocking.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-02)
these are my favorite blog post links to my experiences with various beings in the nonphysical.

My fallen angel guardian

My guardian angels

My guardian marid djinn
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-02)
So this morning I woke up from a dream about an ascended master. I dreamt I was following yogananda around the world. We rode across countries by train. I sat next to him on the train. As it sped down the road. He scenery went by. I turned to him and told him, "animals flock to me." he responded, "that's a very great gift." then yogananda got up and told me that it was time to get off. So I got up and followed him off the train. We made our way through a creepy town. I told him I don't like the feeling of this place. And then woman in the town started flirting on yogananda and the men got mad and tried to hurt him. He defended himself and he was arrested. Later on I tricked the sheriff into giving me a match. I lit it and snuck up a tower and up a staircase. I kept the match aflame. And I entered a room. Yogananda was imprisoned behind iron bars. I held the match out to him and he moved the fire with his hands. He was an elemental and he bent the door and I knocked out the guard. Then we ran down the steps and raced down the street and out of town and back to the train tracks. It was dark. I had a flashlight. I flagged down a train. The train stopped in front of us and yogananda told me to go on the train. We sat next to eachother and I woke up. The thing is I felt his presence in my room after I woke up and even for a while when I went down stairs.
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-11)
Recently I was laying in bed and I felt a presence enter my room. I started to close my eyes and kept having visions of yogananda's face looking at me. I opened my eyes. The presence was still in my room. Then I closed my eyes and I saw his face in my mind's eye looking straight at me and then a couple of times he turned his head away from me. I think I was seeing this through my third eye. I started having visions in 2013. The visions started with my twin flame Aradon. Then It started expanding and connecting to other nonphysical beings.

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