Title: A question of Time
Depeche Mode...
Yeah right, keep telling yourself you knew...
Ok, back on topic, my 'Question of Time'
Roaming around this site I have read people talk about abilities they have of controlling the weather, telekanisis (yes i'm a terrible speller), and more, but I have a weird ability and I am not sure if it would be something some people, not naming names, would consider a psychic ability. I name this 'super power' Judgement of Time.
All joking aside, I wake up seconds before my alarm clock every time, when I set a food timer, when I get up to check the food the timer goes off, yes I am being serious, don't make that face, when I drive some where and give my est. Time of arrival, regardless of traffic I arrive on the minute every time, like exactly on the minute almost to the second, I'm being serious, (quick note) I also know where all the cars are, I mean if I'm going around a blind turn I know if there will be a car there or not.
I know to most people's description of psychic phenomena, I have abilities. I am still firm in the belief that just because I can't fully explain a phenomena scientifically doesn't make it mystical. I am not big on categorizing myself, I believe that bigotry begins with categorizing people based on there traits.
I don't have an Issue with it but I would like some feed back, this is nothing really new, it's happened all my life, if you have experienced this too, please comment.
ONLY SERIOUS COMMENTS PLEASE, I believe in breaking the mood with a little joke here and there, but this is a real story and not a Parody of any kind. I know to some of you this will sound like a joke, but I'm really not joking.
I know exactly what you mean. It has been happening to me all my life and it is getting stronger.
I think there are many differing titles that could be slapped on it...sensitive, psychic, syncronicity, in tune with the universe. I do not really care for any one or thing to be labelled. I am just gratefull that I have it.
😊 😁