I have been exploring this site like crazy lately and I love the community everyone has created here. I wanted to tell you all about something that happened to me recently and see if you have heard of anything similar happening to anyone or just had any insight on it.
It was a couple weeks ago - I was making the bed and adjusting the pillows, when I felt like I should look up, so I did, and in the corner of the room above the bed I saw a bunch of sparkles.
It looked like somebody threw a handful of glitter from the top of the ceiling and the glitter was falling/floating in the air. The area around the glitter was mirage-like, like when you look above hot asphalt.
It felt like time was slowed down and I stared at them in awe and tried to touch them. I then asked my boyfriend if he could see them too and he said no, but as soon as I opened my mouth, the sparkles started to fade. It seems like a small part of me knew if I said something they would go away, but I asked him anyway, and then they faded slowly, they didn't disappear all at once.
They lasted about 20-30 seconds.
I felt very peaceful and kind of strange while seeing the sparkles and I haven't been able to shake it from my mind since.
The tenants upstairs say that the house is haunted and the old tenant of this apartment said "have fun in the haunted basement!" when they drove away when they moved... The house has a cat that lives in the top apartment and this cat frequently comes into the apartment and stares or sits in that corner of the room where I saw the sparkles.
In the past few months I have started to explore meditation and have been working on clearing my chakras, specifically my third eye, because I have had a few clairvoyant moments here and there recently and I want to expand these abilities. I want to know if this is related, or if it has happened to anyone else. Any input is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.