This is my first post and although a few friends know of what I write below, this is the first time I've made anything as public as this. Anyway...
My experience is that of feeling other people's thoughts. This is something I've always had on a small scale, but, as my health has recently improved having made a number of dietary changes. I have various allergies and having altered my diet, my ability to think clearly and remember has improved markedly. I notice it is hapening much more over the last few months. So, it is less than surprising that I am experiencing my abilities in new ways at the moment.
Over the last few months, I typically find myself feeling the surface thoughts of other people at random times. There seems to be little logic to it, except perhaps, that I tend to be relaxed and with people I know well. For example, the other day, a family friend, Henrietta, was talking with my sister, who Henrietta has known for a long time (over 10 years). I had the feeling of know what Henrietta was about to say several times in the conversation. To test my ideas, I would sometimes vocalise what I thought she would say. She was surprised to see how 'in tune' we were.
I found that I was very good at tuning into the emotion behind the words - generally one of deep care and love for my sister. To a less extent, I was also good at predicting key words, although I could not predict word for word what was going to be said.
I am finding that this situation happens somewhat randomly. Has anyone any suggestions for being able to practice it, and turn it on or off? I'd be interested to hear further thoughts.