Ever since once was a little girl I was very different from many people I never seem to fit in to wherever I am. Every day I'm usually at home alone and I would talk to myself like there was someone there listening. Then at the age of 11 I started to see weird thing like ghost I can feel their presence. Then sometimes I would know the person feelings or would feel someone is watching me and sometimes feel very weird things I told this to my parents but they told me I was just my imagination. Cause I used to have really good imaginations. Now I'm fifteen and the voices are still there but these time I now those voice are voice of people around me. There was a time I was just calling my friend in my head and I didn't brother to really and go call her but then she ask me did I call her, it happen about 5 times already. There was another I was talking to my friend online suddenly I saw a version of her what is she doing and I ask her some question, she freaked out because I was quite accurate of what she was doing. There was also another incident I was just playing with my friends and I ask her to concentrate really well I'm going to call you with my brain (cause she was in Canada) and is was about one minute she messenger me back that she heard me because that time I wasn't serious myself but I could hear her, see her emotions and now what she doing in her place. I freaked out myself I ask her some question of the version I saw it came out I was quite accurate
There was a lot more weird incidents but I would really like to know the answer is it I'm just my imagination or is more then that. If is more then that I would like to grow this ability of mine.