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Real Psychic Experiences

Who Are They?


I am Liza I currently live in France with my mother and father. I have been noticing many weird things happening round me, like small shadow people at the end of my bed and things following my dad. Ok so last night my father started acting stranger than usually, He would come home and yell at me and my mother on top of other things. I have always though it was weird every 2 nights or so he comes home and doe this. So I was talking to a friend and she said she didn't want to deal with spiritual thing and she said shes going give me someones name an email off of like a Enlightened Souls website.

After waiting to hear from her for about 3 days I contacted them quickly because that was one of the nights my father gets into his moods. After emailing I got a reply pretty quickly and I explained who I was and that I needed help and someone told me my father had a demon in him. I was shocked but I told myself time and time again something wasn't right.

After speaking to them I had to get off the computer for a few hours, After a few hours I got back on letting them know what my mother did because before it got dark my mother gave me a kitchen knife and told me to put it in my room so I did it. They were very concerned with the situation.

It got closer to the time my father was to come home and I was very nervous, I could hear him come in and attacking my mother and I knew he was coming to me next as always. He sometimes would stand there and call me bad names and curse at me and sometimes he would push me around but I always felt uneasy like it wasn't him.

I heard him and my mother then he came to my door, He hates when I lock the door and I did it earlier forgetting it was still locked so he started banging on my door in a very angry way, I asked what to do in the chat box and They told me to take the knife and go under the bed. By this time my dad had a hammer going at my door he had managed to get a good size hole in it and was trying to reach the lock.

They messages me stay under your bed close you eyes and ears so I did it. I was so afraid and I heard my dad screaming and them my mom and I opened my eyes and ears they were both screaming very loudly and I could smell warm air kind of like when you are Ironing cloths then I saw a flick like a flash from a camera. I messaged them asking why was my parents screaming and I got no reply, after my parents stopped screaming someone messaged me that my parents had demons and to wait a minute to go out to check on them. I got so scared when they said this and I thought my parents were hurt so I went to the door and peeked through the hole in the door and I saw my father and mother on the floor twitching and humming. There was blood all over my dads arm because the hole in the door was small and he forced his arm through the wood. I then messaged them saying what should I do and they said make up something I didn't know what to do then I heard banging at the door our neighbors came over because of the screaming and I went to get my parents up they looked very confused and sad and I ran to the door and my neighbors were asking if everything was ok and I said yeah everything is good and they were asking if I was sure and I said yes.

When they left I went up stairs and my parents were getting up they saw my door and was asking what happened and my dad saw his arm, my mother then started to cry really hard and my dad hugged her and said to me "Have I done this?) He had tears in his eyes and I said yes pa I had to get help pleas I had to and he said "where how did this happen?"

I showed him my contact through the computer on my G+ and he told me to delete it and take my picture down. They all of a sudden became afraid and told them not to contact me and they were going to call the police. I deleted everything except my email that I have on my phone. My parents don't know that I still have it and they took my computer and told me to stay inside today.

This all happened in front of me and I need answers as to how can this be done? And who are these people? Have anyone else dealt with them before? Do I have some sort of Gift because I can see these spirits when they were following my dad and in my room? I need answers I couldn't sleep all night and I don't think I will be able to tonight either I need help.

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, LizaF, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AniokNitya (guest)
10 years ago (2015-02-09)
Thumbs up. You really hit the nail on the head with that one. Cheers
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2015-02-09)
Trying to stir up conflict on something that is been done over five months... That is pretty sad. Your argument itself lacks any merit, especially with such blatant and fairly stupid claims made against people who say your full of it, which you are might I add, are the cause of ISIS and other bad things. Anyway, I have always found those who attack others in such ways, are simply acting as a cornered animal, one that is stuck within its own lie, as all of its attempts to escape for such a position fail. But, then again, it isn't your fault, it is simply human nature to act as such, but there is really no point to it. You will feel much better if you will simply drop it and admit to the lie that is so clear to everyone else but yourself.
AniokNitya (guest)
10 years ago (2015-02-09)
Feel free to kick and know it does not harm our purpose nor our goal. We exist only to fulfill our mission and any one who brings harm will be help accountable in our eyes. You my friend do not represent anything of a guardian you claim you help people but you yourself need help. A fish can never see he water its swimming in so keep your words to yourself. I do apologize to everyone for our serious feelings about this but it makes me sick to know you look at this as tho it was a joke and tho who are joking you take serious. You are why Groups like Isis is still existing. This is the problem. We are true guardians and will never back down especially with peoples life on the line. You are the ones who say you are helping and actually changing thing but we are tho ones who has effect on your world, you take years to achieve minimal things. If you only knew. It would only prove us wrong to shut this entire site down its best you all soak in your own soup. You all seek wisdom without understanding wisdom can cause destruction. This is why those who have become traitors could cause harm, Don't throw empty threats at us because we will reply with full actions, those who who claim to help this world prove it because you all like false security and false belief of wisdom prove it. We have some of the worlds best and we make things we are Guardians of Truth we represent one Power and if you don't like it do as you must but we will do our part also. Its best my account be deleted because you people here are the true problem misguiding people and using your own personal feelings to dictate what is posted or not.
Lyro (468 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
I'm not going to get into these petty arguments. This is one of the biggest reasons that I stopped posting so much on this site. I am one of the first on this site, and a few probably remember me. I remember talking to Anne V personally in e-mails. I was once part of a group known as the Guardians, but there are many different groups with similar names. I won't stand for the general name be used to bash any group that is trying to help. I guarded people, helped people, and eventually left the group in order to help more people in any way that I could. Am I one of your lying Guardians? I've been a part of this site for about 4 years now, and haven't gone looking for help once, only helping other people, and I'd like to believe that I am doing good in helping people. If you don't think so, that's fine, you can have your opinion, but don't bash other people who are trying to help someone who is scared and lost. I know exactly which groups you're talking about, and the people you're talking about. Yes, some of them were fake, and some of them were only seeking attention. However, I never wanted any of this, it started, and I made a choice to stick with it ONLY to help other people. I don't have fame, no one really knows my name, and I'm practically invisible, but I still help people any way I can. And there are others that do exactly what I do to HELP. If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry, but this page is to help other people. Not bash groups, and talk bad about one another. If you want that, then do it somewhere else, or be kicked from the site, just like the last people that tried to start a war on here.
AniokNitya (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Zin I have been in contact with this girl Liza before she was even in contact with Zi so for you to say this baffles me. Now my question is zi how did you get in contact with her? Yes we were once a group but we have separated. Liza came to us last month. Zi clearly you know now your mistakes, the creator did not send our oath to not be vowed. This is why you are weak and will not earn the gifts we have. You will continue to be lost and your life will be as those who devote their souls to churches and congregations, and everyone following you now that you know this needs to really thing to them self (didn't we warn that the sand would be sifted) You have sealed your own faith and you have broken the oath and what ever bs covenant you claimed to have had. I can assure anyone out there I don't care for helping fakes. Liza I know you contacted us way before you had this post and I know you knew of zi and the group but I am going to ask, contact us the way you did before I don't know why you stopped because obviously you can contact us through here. So please contact us
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Anne V

This story is clearly a fake, set up to stir of this drama that you see here. Now, then I will explain, what it is. This is what I commonly call a recruitment story for some cult like group, that being some person is in trouble. Just one bad thing happens to them after another, no one can solve the solution and then magically as if by God send someone does. This person then saves the day, and other new psychic or untrained psychics who are trying to learn see this and say I want to be just like them help those people. Therefore, they will quickly log in and sign up, this can be no more obviously seen then the forum post provided by LisaF herself.

Here it is quoted

No that's not the group, the don't believe in Giai they claim to be of god, the awakened put here to save the souls of mankind towards the coming end, I was refereed to them and they helped but I am confused. My life went from normal to insane with that incident with them.
Another hint to the website can be found in her story where she mentions it be name, where anyone can find it with a Google search.

Now, for the two apparent groups of people fighting with each other that being ZiShu and KadeeO vs. Anioknitya. This appears to be clearly a set up as the forum that was listed of LisaF was created by ZiShu and all these people in this fight are active members themselves. Now, the reason for this "fight" is the give the story some more drama, and more attention by passersby's. But, once again all just a ruse for more recruitment.

Finally, I will go after the essence of the story itself. First, off upon hearing this amazing murder well supposed murder with a person getting their eyes and mouth burned out, I had to immediately look through some French newspapers as this would most likely be a story to cover something this strange. I found nothing, not even a mention of an American dying in France. And with such an amazing death and that of an American I am pretty sure at least a police report on the matter would of been released to the public but there was nothing at all.

And with that I must say this tread must be locked, as this will only continue until, they run out of ways to keep it up, as this is a site to help people not recruit them into some sort of cult-like group.

As for LizaF, the choice is your what to do to her, although it does appear that she was in on it from the start. And as you can clearly see I have given her several days to tell the truth about this story, as I was unsure if she was be pressured into keeping up this story or not. But, now appears this is all in her own doing, so once again it is up to you what you do.
LizaF (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Zishu stop your sad stories and own up to your mistakes Oden showed me who you are and the fraud your followers are too. Zin kill yourself. Aniok my trust in you is there but my fear that you were involved with my fathers death is even bigger. The fact you know this tells me you are wise in many ways but I get the feeling you are a very hard person to read. Why do I feel this way? Why is everyone saying all this stuff about you and your group? Is there only bad things to be said about you? Oden says many things to me about you and I will continue to listen until I could get solid proof from you Aniok.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
You know resorting to insults shows your argument is weak, that you have no counter to it. I also find it fairly odd you say I watch cartoons, I don't I clearly stated that much earlier.

Raped by demons? Was I suppose to be killed by Angels first? Or was that afterword?
ZiShu (129 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
AniokNitya I have no right even though I was here since 2010-10-01? I taught you all your knowledge, I brought you and others to Our Father, you took what I taught you and you betrayed me. Your friends even know that before you me, you didn't believe in Our Father much or at all. I know much about your group. I brought you all into the ways of understanding to save others and this world, I taught you the ideals of a superhero.
I'm going to let you know now, none of us ever broke the oath you claim, because I never took it. I always had my own covenant with Our Father BEFORE I met you. I never told you I took that oath and I even told you I wanted it changed. How about that? You broke your own oath because I just read it and known some things you did went against that. Don't you try to say I'm lying.
Now I've gone the way things should of been long ago apart from your group. I know that you have never heard Our Father.

Ok so I take some fault in trying to help LizaF, but I did not start anything. All I did was told LizaF that her dad would be okay and should be coming home based on our information. However the enemy can change plans which I didn't know about. I find it funny people are to blame others but not take their own blames. She wouldn't be on here in in the first place if you all didn't do whatever you did.
I'm done with that Kate girl. I'm sure she going to spread more lies now. Saw all of this coming. Have fun with her.
AniokNitya (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Liza your father had cut into his back the Sigil of Amenta considered by some to mean Underworld Underworld but is true meaning is Taker of the dead like what some may consider Grim Reaper. This goes to show who ever did this knew something and they aren't just occultist. And for Zin what a foolish reply stop watching so much cartoons because there are people out there being tormented everyday and living with people following them and trying to harm them so this is not a game to me nor them. When you start getting rapped by demons I hope you thing its a joke you fool. KadeeO we have seen your kind here before I know you are the Mason that contacted us earlier this year stop, no one is to blame freewill is the main element of control even if we say what we say or do what we want things still have multiple timelines to go down. Zishu and Winter Solace once again you have no right trying to do anything here. You are the partial reason Liza is lost. Please stop I ask of you.
Winter_Solace (109 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-11)
Liza, ZiShu and I really tried our best to help you. We know you're under a lot of stress and many misunderstandings: There are things happening that are beyond what you may have originally believed in and perceived. But, know this, what Z said really is true, we could never have known your father was to be killed by those CIA imposters. We saw that he was okay at the time that we looked into this. Believe it or not, we never lied to you, as this will remain to be true whether you accept it or not. He and I are unable to see into the future, like we discussed in detail with you, previously. So you should keep it in mind, since you didn't before. There is a difference between lying and not knowing.

We're telling you to not blame God for this. He cannot control human free will. Killing these people isn't going to solve anything either or create change in how these evil human beings think. Why add more to this endless cycle of evil that humans have spun for many millenia? We know you're angry and want revenge, but doing things this way is a golden ticket to getting you killed and facing worse dangers and suffering after. You're not stupid, so use your head and think this through...

This Oden sounds very familiar to me. In a way that I don't trust them. Liza, I do not know what you were involved in before all this and the last group you were in... But I will tell you right now, you mess with things that you don't fully understand, you will be tricked and screwed a hundred times over. I know there has to be something that your father was involved in before all this that brought discord to you and your parents. He must have made a contract with demons and had gotten himself into some kind of cult, most definitely. You need to tell us fully what it was that you and your parents have been involved in.
ZiShu (129 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
There is a big difference from a mistake and lying.
The rest of you need to do better research on your facts about me.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
He doesn't, but the admission of that extra bit there is important as I thought senorita, you are holding secrets, so what else is there left, you have not said.

To everyone, else reading this, don't take this story at face value, with all its drama, since there is something rotten within it.
LizaF (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
Oden Halitha is my friend he is no demon even if he was he has been there for me. He helps by taking my anger and hatred. He reassured me that I will have revenge. Zishu you betrayed me by lying to me. Aniok how do you know all of this? How do you know that it was because of demons? If everything you wrote is true what can you tell me about my father that me and my mother recently found out, having to do with his MURDER?
KadeeO (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
Aniok how dare you, You know what you have done. We have watched you and everyone who has ever been in that group of yours. We know of your attacks on the masons and your attacks on the elderly. This year alone 4 people are dead. How can you say that was of god? How can you people sleep at night knowing you have hurt this girl and her father?. ZIshu you are the one who brought them to this light you told them where to look now they have found you are left alone you your self don't have anything. How could you sit back and allow them to do this. YOU ARE TO BLAME!
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
I am so afraid, are these the ones that had spirit pressure like those in Bleach, or the ones that where going to send angels to kill me. But, please continue, the BS is always amusing.

And back you to little senorita, be out with it.
AniokNitya (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
You know nothing of the Guardians you know not why we are here you don't even possess a slight Idea of the life you live so please do not pretend anything. Liza you knew what was going on with your parents first off and secondly you made a huge mistake trusting the investigator which we know as Kate Miller, our enemies are not bound to human rules. We do not comply with many dogmatic views because of what we have experienced. Zishu brother you have gone far off the path of understanding and you your self harbor demons without realizing you have made many choices that will bring you to judgment by our creator. Zin you need to just not be involved with this because things have happened and things are going to happen that will be past the logical comprehension. Liza they were attempting to use your father, after his demons were expelled they wanted back in. The night he was taken your mother was under mental control so as to not realize what was wrong until morning. You father was alive but the reason he died was because they were attempting to enter his body in high numbers and he passed away, demons are not allowed to live within a human body without that little flame of their soul so they were expelled through his head. You on the other hand, your familiar Oden you mentioned to us in email is a demon he will lead you to destruction, believe what you want but because of ignorance and misunderstanding we have experienced these past events. Do not be fooled by anyone who claim that they know us because they don't not even our former brother. Liza this is the final chance for you to change for beyond this point you will not be able to.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
So, defensive senorita, as I said, most likely marital issues, didn't say it was now did I. Still, if he was murder as you state he was, then it could be paranormally related, it also could be marital.

Although I must say, I still feel as if something is off about this story, so be out with it or keep your peace.
ZiShu (129 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-10)
LizaF I'm sorry to hear what happened. I know you won't trust me anymore. I told you your father would be okay because I truly believed so. I can't see the future so I didn't see this coming. I hope you don't hold that against me. I wanted to make sure you got the help you needed. The only thing I offered was to tell you about that group, and to help find your father. I didn't like that you were talking as if it was me and my friends fault for trying to help you. I never said I'd train you or anything extra. Please don't blame God for what happened. People's free will is not His doing.
Whatever you do, don't go down a dark path of killing.
I am very sure there I'd a misunderstanding.

I don't believe the Guardians took part in her dad's death. I don't like them because of their incorrect ways but I know them enough that they don't kill people or just attack people with no reason. I do advise people to not go out of their way to seek help from them knowing consequences like this can happen. They aren't true to their words and are over their heads with their abilities. So go to them at your own risk.
It was those fake CIA people that had something directly to do with her dad. It's just too much to be coincidence that they appeared the day before her dad's disappearance. I am sure they took him, not the Guardians.
I speaking out just to let everyone including LizaF to know the truth.
LizaF (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-09)
My Father was found dead in a field 8 miles from here. They said his mouth and eye sockets were burned out. I know who ever you are are sill out there and if there is a way I will get revenge. I am not on any drugs nor are my parents, we moved from the us in 2012 now we are moving back, My mother is not doing well she is very sick and afraid, I am at lost. I do not want anyone help unless you could find these people.
Zin I don't care what you believe you are just another person who just says I am crazy. I don't care anymore. If there is a god out there I curse him for doing this to me and allowing people like this to live.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-08)
Hmm, it is difficult to tell, there may be abilities involved but I would say look at other means first. That being, first off drugs of some sort of drug or mental issue, or even material issues. As for what I cannot say, although the disappearance of the father indicates a material issue.
IsrantasArtir (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)
Dear Zin and LizaF,

Seeing the previous comments, I still would like to know more.

Zin, if what you claim is true and this group is misguided and has no abilities, then why LizaF thinks otherwise? Why does she think they helped her? Then why were her parents screaming and laying on the floor twitching?

Or is there something medically wrong with the parents? Were they taking some new drugs and drank alcohol? Did they smoke pot and had hallucinations? Maybe they have been infected by mutated Ebola virus? Why the father is missing? Maybe he was really infected with this virus and, for satefy reasons, he was put under quarantine?

LizaF, did you call hospitals in your city to check if your dad is there? Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the best solutions.

Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)

The group of people which she talks have no abilities at all, I dealt with them a long time ago, they seem to confuse cartoons and reality. For example, if I recall right they though the stupid Japanese cartoon called Bleach was a real life guide to the after life, pretty damn pathetic if you ask me. But, then you cannot blame them some people are not strong to live in the reality of this world they have to resort to living in an imaginary world, or drinking, or simply ignoring the world around them.

And as I said, if she needs me help I will help her, perhaps you will be able to assist with this too, as it seems to be the result of demonic forces. But before I can help, I must know how they got there. That's is why I keep asking for it, she seems young and scared but I can, We can help her.
IsrantasArtir (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)
Dear LizaF,

I had to create an account because there are many things about your story that bother me. I have been wondering why are you so upset about the whole situation. Any normal person would be happy to be still alive and have their parents free of demons.
Also, you say you have gifts. Then why did you not try helping your father on your own? Or maybe you do not have gifts and are lying us?
On the other hand, I feel you are upset with the lack of information and details about what happened. And I would keep on demanding the answers if I were you.
Are you sure the person who gave the contact can be trusted?
Why did your "friend" not help you? Is he/she really into spiritauality? I feel like you have been lied to by everyone you have shared this story with
Why did you contact more people if the situation was solved?
It is only a few questions I wanted to ask you to make sure that this story is real, because it would be a waste of time for everyone to read this.
I hope you answer in details, so we would get to know the truth

Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)
Anyway, I don't do this much, but if you want help dealing with them, send me a message on my email I posted. Furthermore, if you want me to deal with them on the forum of theirs just ask.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)
Ah, the other group, I remember them, they still cannot do anything. So, why do you fear them so much? There is no reason to, heck to be honest I thought they fell apart a long time ago, along with the Principals.
LizaF (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)
No that's not the group, the don't believe in Giai they claim to be of god, the awakened put here to save the souls of mankind towards the coming end, I was refereed to them and they helped but I am confused. My life went from normal to insane with that incident with them.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)
An ex-member of what? The Guardians of Gaia is their full name, if you are talking about them. And no it isn't one of them possessing your parents, most likely a result of messing around with something such as an Ouija board.

So, tell me senorita, what is it that you have been playing with?
LizaF (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)
Update Everyone
And Zin how was it that they were able to come here and do that to my parents? I have been in contact with them recently and now I am talking to the ex-member and he is offering help because they refused to help me. The ex-member told me many things about them and thy do have abilities. I was told about one member going rouge and possessing people, he has not yet told me about my abilities but I am willing to learn more from the others that left the "Guardians". They literally told me they will not help anymore. Can someone now tell me how can I protect myself from these people. I need to protect me and my mother. Also the new guys told me my father is OK and he will be coming back soon.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-05)

So, you are one of the people from the old days on this site? And no they don't really have any power.

As for you LizaF it does sound like a stage of demonic possession, maybe the later ones. I would say your best bet in handling this is finding some source of positive energy to fill your house. These things can from form blessed objects or herb burning or praying etc etc.

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