For as long as I can remember, I have been able to smell when somebody is or is becoming sick.
I can walk into a room, without knowing someone was sick, even sometimes they didn't know that they would soon to be sick, but I did.
Only recently I have learnt of psychic smells and I was curious if I am fortunate enough to have this ability. What I don't understand is, I can only smell sickness, nothing else. I was wondering if anyone could help me with what this means and how I could enhance this gift I have been given.
I feel like I should also add (I don't know if this will help or not), when I was 3, I fell extremely sick and the doctors didn't know what it was. My parents were told that if the doctors didn't find out what I had, I might not have much time left. Lucky for me a doctor that worked overseas specializing in this field, realized what I had (Kawasaki disease) and I was given the right medicine and before I knew it I was fine and here I am at 17 and I am still fine. Could this possibly have influenced my ability?
Another thing I often experience, at least once a month is Déjà vu.
It happens anywhere and at anytime. Sometimes it's a dream I have and then at least a month later, what happened in the dream comes true. Other times I could be speaking to someone and I know exactly what they will say or do next, it is almost like it had happened before.
I have been in class before and I knew exactly what the teacher was about to say and I knew exactly what other people in the room were about to do that exact moment. Its like I had seen or been there before. Is there any reason why I experience this so often and remember it so distinctly?
Hopefully I can get some answers, thank you very much.