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People Can Literally Make Me Sick


Being a person who has many abilities, I am often stricken with anxiety, slight illness or any other emotion/affliction that certain people have, when I am near them. I am trying to open up my chakras and experimenting with certain meditations in order to neutralize this ability. For the most part, I truly believe that God has given me this gift in order to help people, as opposed to allow myself to remain sick and frustrated. Can anyone help me find new ways to buffer this? Any meditation exercises, etc?

A fine example of what happens to me is how my body picks up the energy here at work.

There is a girl who sits next to me who has a lot of pent up depression and wants to break free of her sheltered life with her family. Her love life suffers as a result of being disappointed in herself, for no good reason. Now, I must say that I didn't know that any of this was fact until It was later confirmed by another employee. I want so badly to be there for her but she has such a nasty personality most of the time that, I don't even want to bother.

I absorb so much of her energy and quite frankly, it hurts, literally. I feel so sad and restricted much of the time (unless she misses work or I am running back and forth between offices). Please help me. I want to find a way to neutralize this, my chakras are suffering, especially my kundalini.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AlmaLindsay, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-30)
what were you talking about when you said we were being prepared for something?
Seeingkid (52 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-30)
everything is conected. EVERYTHING. If someone can comprehend how something is conected to another thing, they acses both. I acses empathy when I want to, as in I have an on/off switch on almost everything. It's just an understanding. Example: let's say there's a man that's been taught all his life that it's not proper to eat with his hands. One day he goes to another country and they say it's not proper to use knives and forks. He ends up thrown out because he couldn't comprehend that it might be proper to eat with one's hands.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-29)
To me an empath is not just feeling the emotion or mimicing the same emotion. A true empath can do more than mimic the emotion, they can understand the person's conflicting emotions, their regrets, doubts, fears... Reasons why they feel that way. AND at the same time distingush how they are interpreting that into their own mind. Why do they feel that connection to that person, how are you connected? Answering all these questions, you may cry with your mom because you feel the 'same' emotions, but knowing not just why because of the argument. But more importantly how it affects your thinking WHICH is different from hers even though it FEELS the same. It's almost having like multiple personality disorder because you get everyone's story instead of just one side, but knowing how to distinguish each piece of the cake.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-29)
Seeing Kid

I find it rather hard to believe that you can control your aura but not the empathy...doesn't make sense, because they both really go hand in hand one affects the other so forth and so on... I don't see how you're coming to that conclusion... Please explain that.
Seeingkid (52 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-29)
bunnies, are you stll there? I want to tell you some stuff about, well, everything. Trust me, there's a lot to say, but I want to say it all, and tell some one. Please can I tell you?
Seeingkid (52 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-29)
when I first started seeing I couldn't turn it off, it had a mind of it's own, after a while, I figured out how. Just keep an open mind, trust me, open minds increase psychic prowas.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-29)
i definately agree with seeingkid. You need to learn hoe to master it. I did this with my telepathy, which does let you feel others emotions aswell, so if I can do it, then anyone can! And if you do learn hoe to control it, you can use it whenever you want! It'll work when you say, and stop when it gets too much. It hurt for me as well, but it doesn't really now.
Seeingkid (52 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-29)
The way to control it is to train it. I don't know how to train empathy, but I learned how to control my aura sight by training it. It isn't really hard, I don't think.
girlygirl89 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-04-28)
wow...i think I'm an empath too. Like my parents just had the biggest argument and they were both yelling and then my mom started to cry and inside of me I felt so conflicted because I was feeling very annoyed and I started to cry at the same time... Right now they stopped but I still feel the tension... If you find a way to control it that would be awesome. Thanks! 😁
vampira (3 stories) (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-28)
i wish I could help because the same thing happens to me. But the way I get rid of peoples emotions may not work for other people. Okay so I read a lot and most people believe its cause I want to shut myself off from the world, which I guess is true but it is also because that's how I get rid of there emotions I trade there emotions for the emotions in the book well sometimes I do it depends on how I feel that one day. Sometimes just read and lose myself in the book and when I wake up am back to vennessa.
vampira (3 stories) (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-28)
i wish I could help because the same thing happens to me. But the way I get rid of peoples emotions may not work for other people. Okay so I read a lot and most people believe its cause I want to shut myself off from the world, which I guess is true but it is also because that's how I get rid of there emotions I trade there emotions for the emotions in the book well sometimes I do it depends on how I feel that one day. Sometimes just read and lose myself in the book and when I wake up am back to vennessa.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-23)

Good point to bring up, but I've learned once your past a certain part of your life... People tend to not change (which isn't always a bad thing) it's just that they are going to be who they are.

I've told some people and they told me that they would change and they try for a few days... Then go right back to where they are... Easy said than done
sarahan (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-23)
I wonder how your co-worker would respond to your explaining that you absorb her feelings. It might startle her into taking a little more care in directing her emotions.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-22)
Think about it grey is thought of a neutral color... Or the medium of all of the spectrum.
soundofwings (2 stories) (47 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-22)
Someone I was around on the weekend was so depressed my whole stomach just went into knots! I've healed people, well also pets (pets are people too though), by swapping energy. It's not intentional, but all the sudden after being around them I have their symptoms and they are fine.
I do know an exercise that has helped me before. Just imagine a beach ball around you, it doesn't have to be all around you but make sure it's around your solar plexus. You will float up above all the lower vibrations.
Also I've tried white lighting before and it never works for me, so I tried other colors and for some reason grey worked, but it didn't help the physical part, still though, I wasn't picking up on people's emotions. I don't know if grey will work for you or not, maybe it would or maybe a different color would help.
Does anyone have any idea why grey worked?
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-18)
A couple of years ago a woman walked into my office. I immediately felt tension. So I looked over at her and said, "Bad day"? And of course she was having a bad day. So I told her to just take some deep breaths, hold it and exhale slowly and it should make you feel better. She looked at me like I was crazy and I insisted, "Just give it a try. The worst it will do, is not work". So she did it. She left my office with a smile that day and said thanks.
We had a meeting last weekend and I could just feel the negative energy flowing throughout the room. I later found out a woman was mad because she worked hard on something and it wasn't accepted. The other woman just started bawling. I honestly could not wait to leave that day. My back was hurting more and as the other lady cried, I cried with her. I felt stupid in a way. Everyone else is sitting there concerned, but out of the whole group besides the one woman crying, I'm crying too. 😊
sarahan (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-16)
I wonder if your coworker would understand more about how she perpetuates her unhappiness and repels support if she were to read or watch programs about the HADO experiments "The True Power Of Water" by Masaru Emoto, or, "The Power Of Intention" by Wayne Dyer. Of course I know that knowing these things does not equal putting them to use. But it might give her a clue she can use later.
Vampire_Angel (8 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-13)
Ok, well I just figured out a way to get rid of the bad feelings. When I did this... I felt so much happier and the room seemed brighter. Ok... Go to some sink in your house then picture your body filled with a negative black energy, then stand in front of the sink and breath out and picture the black energy slowly come out of you and then spiral down the drain until your body is replaced with a white posotive energy. It really helps... Even though I kind of felt dizzy after words, that goes away within five minutes. Hope that helps you!
Vampire_Angel (8 stories) (123 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-13)
I know just what you are going through. If you do find any good, easy ways to control this, please comment on my story... Feeling other's emotions. I would really like to know. Thankyou, and good luck!
Symple (1 stories) (26 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-12)
Alma, I can feel others feelings too. My sister is the most negitive person on earth. I should say one of the most...she's just one under Bin Laden LOL. Anyways, after each visit from her, I take a few minutes to and for myself to get rid of her negitivity. It's a very short meditation. Get somewhere quiet, focus on a large black plastic garbage bag, open it up and blow all the negitivity into this bag, all the while picturing the negitivity falling to the very bottom of this bag with no way to excape, When all of the negitivity is off and out of you... (you may, sorta, feel lighter or tippsy) take the bag and twist tie and knot it as much as you wish until the bag is totally sealed from leaking any negitivity out, then simply throw it into the garbage (not your homes personal garbage bin) but one you will never even think of throwing something you owned in. This should work the very first time, but if it doesn't, try it again until it does. You will feel so much better. 😊 Symple

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