I've been getting things following me these things well one of them is a tall all black being or so and it has no eyes but a mouth and everytime the thing comes here it reaches for me and. Says its "taking me away" I don't know what it is I have been calling. It the it because I have no idea what it is and this has been happening for these past few months and the first time I have seen it the thing had two others with it the other one a type like woman/man I'm not sure the gender but it had eyes ringed in black like the only color is white on the inside and it had long black hair
With a twisted mouth it was frowning while smiling
The other was a huge beast type thing it was large and fury walking on its
Hind legs but its body alone looked like a dog it has some black fur but
For the most it barely had fur and its face it was like a skeleton dog face
Just the bones that's easier to say anyways it also had like human type hands
Carrying a skull also its tail was like really thin and boney I was quite shaken at first that's when I brought a knife with me to school thinking it would protect me
But all I out of it was a trip to the police station, and a trip to a psychiatrist
All because a girl saw it,
Anyways I need help as to why these things are doing this to me
Are they like trying to hurt me or help me or protect me
Also the things have talked before but I have no idea what they are saying I really have no idea, because I couldn't figure it out because of how fast they were speaking