My name is Monica and I am 43 years old. I am here in this country for 20 years, I apologize for my grammar errors; English is my second language. I am a social worker and I do home visiting as a job, I have this good karma around people I work with. I love helping people but I am confused thinking for many years if I have a gift or not. I am writing to this site because I am very confused about my psychic ability. My abilities started since I was a teenager, I felt people sit next to my bed. I was scared back then. However, it didn't finish there. Years after that, I have had dreams with my grandfather that passed away. I dream hugging him. I could see my friends that passed away in a white light around them with a peace and happy faces; I felt a peace sensation when I talked to them. I still dreaming with death people, especially a mother's friend, who talks to me and tell me things and I pass along the messages to her daughter. They might believe I am crazy but I do, what I suppose to do. When I moved to NY City, 20 years ago, I used to live in the back of the cemetery, and I liked to go there and felt relaxed. I went there a couple times and I didn't know why.
I had another experience that when I don't pray for the purgatory souls, they used to wake me up to do it. They moved my bed; they wanted me to wake up to light the candle. I am catholic and I used to light a candle for their souls. After that scary experience I decided not to light candles at night or day anymore. Another experience I had is when I sleep in places that are not my house; I usually have a nightmare or a dream of what had happened there or people who used to live in that place.
One time, I was in a small town of Dixfield, ME. I dreamed that I woke up at night and I look at the window and I saw souls from 1920's of 1930's. I saw a long line of people with cars waiting to go to a house, where they had a big party and I observed from a window. The next day, I asked what happened in that place before and they told me they had big parties back in the day. Another experience was that I can feel when spirits or souls are in the house, suddenly I get really hard headaches, and I get chills in my body or a welcoming feeling. I usually pray for that soul in silence.
I am very sensitive I can feel other people feelings sadness, worried, happiness. What really made me write today for the first time I felt a full and hard energy in my body today. Between being awake and sleep, I started see it in my mind like a picture film in black and white, I couldn't see it, but I heard clearly a name of a woman. She told me her name and I don't know why. I was kind of scared so I started to pray instantly and told her that I couldn't talk to her until I am sure that what I was doing was fine and correct. I also saw my grandmother's soul in my dream, like her soul and I felt so happy to see her; she passed about 7 months ago (I felt her presence). The weird thing was that I was hearing like a television radiation sounds, like when the TV doesn't get signal, like that while in that moment. I couldn't hear anything after that and I wake up, forcing myself. I couldn't sleep; that night but I finally went to sleep after praying a lot and place my rosary on my neck.
I need to know, what is going on with me; I need to know if this is right, if I have some psychic talents? A gift? Or it is just my imagination. I don't know, I need guidance to learn more about this and to be able to help people and souls. Thank you so much.