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How to Select a Psychic
How does one find a good psychic? The number one venue is probably by referral. Word of mouth, like finding any good business, is probably the best way of ferreting out the bad and finding the good. If you've heard from a family member or friend that they've had reliable success with a psychic, I'd recommend using this method.
But what if you haven't? That leaves on-line, driving by an established business (we've all seen these from time-to-time) or the yellow pages, if there are any who advertise in your area. This, of course, means that you've got to do a lot more screening than the referral method. You should feel free to ask them for references and be sure to check them BEFORE you get your reading.
Once you've located a potential psychic, spend time with them in an interview. How do you feel (if even over the phone)? Are they pressuring you to make a decision that minute? Are they charging you by the minute even before you've made a decision? I would watch for these types of things.
Determine what kind of psychic you're looking for prior to your search. Are you looking for a clairaudient, clairvoyant, tarot card specialist, astrologer, or someone who works with psychometry? See our "Types of Psychic Abilities" link to help you determine what it is exactly you're looking for.
Once you get your reading, review it for accuracy (if you can find a way to record it, all the better). Does it ring true? Ịf it doesn't is it pointing you to an uncomfortable position of growth that WOULD be true if you opened your heart or mind? Only you can know the answers to these questions. Check back on your reading in a month or six weeks. What has transpired and how do you feel?
Of course, accuracy is what we're all looking for. They are either hitting the mark or they are not. You can do your homework and research but you may have to go through a few to find that true psychic gem. And if you love them, do them a favor and tell a friend, as that is the best way for someone else to hear who is good!
Signs of a bad psychic:
- First of all, of course, is inaccuracy. Wildly off isn't going to work nor do you any good.
- Pressuring for money before you've had any chance to interview them or check references.
- Inability to contact them should you chose to. This may be through some 1-900 number that cycles through to random anonymous people.
- If you get a genuine bad feeling because of their personal antics such as theatrics that have nothing to do with the reading.
- If you feel negative emotions such as fear, intimidation, belittlement (such as "Only someone who didn't know anything would questions me!") or asking for curse removal money.
A note on finding a psychic: Don't assume because a psychic is charging money they are not legitimate. They have to feed, clothe and house themselves just like the rest of us. Like us, they are selling what they do best. And frankly, the better they are the more they are likely to charge! So I personally wouldn't make that a personal criteria. There are some very fortunate psychics who do this for free because they have a spouse supporting them, are independently wealthy and are doing this for humanitarian reasons, but most don't fall under that category.
Best of luck in your psychic search!

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